Look at your sh*t with us!

No, not your actual đź’© – unless there’s a problem with your bowels and you’re trying to gather information for your next doctor appointment.

I’m talking about the shitty tasks in your business that for the love of life, you can’t get started and finish on your own.

Our motto:
We’re all capable business owners.

We know to do stuff. But after all, we’re only humans.

I don’t know about you, but there are many things I really don’t want to LOOK đź‘€ at, let alone do anything about it.

So let’s look stare at it, together.

Even if we don’t do anything. 

Because looking is a simple strategy to bring awareness to the task. All you need to do is simply notice the shape of it. 

Then we’ll check in to see how you feel —because your feelings matter more than what you actually do.

Often, the task will get done naturally after it’s given the gentle attention it needed.

Sounds cool? Let me know where to send the invite!

Get things done (or not!) with your favorite people!

Hey I'm Anh!

I don’t like coworking where at the end of the session, people celebrate what they got done.

Because sometimes, I don’t get anything done, and that makes me feel like I’m not “doing” enough.

Plus, I hardly get to know anyone through knowing what they do. I feel more connected when I hear about how others feel about what they’re doing.

It brings our human-ness back to the activities/achievements.

That’s why we’re doing this.

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