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The backend of your course can make or break your launch – so why wing it?

You’ve put your sweet, tears and who knows how many espresso cups into this life-changing course. You know the content can make an actual difference in your audience’s lives.

So why risk it all with a DIY-ed backend?

The backend of your course can make or break your launch – so why wing it?

You’ve put your sweet, tears and who knows how many espresso cups into this life-changing course. You know the content can make an actual difference in your audience’s lives.

So why risk it all with a DIY-ed backend?

If you want people to rave about your course, you need a customer experience that will make them feel like a VIP.

Links that redirect to the right pages, emails that get delivered at the right time, hassle-free payments, and all the support they need to actually finish the course and achieve the transformation they signed up for….

And if the thought of setting up all this tech by yourself is making you sweat, why not leave it to someone who knows what they’re doing, and is obsessed with doing it to perfection?

If you want people to rave about your course, you need a customer experience that will make them feel like a VIP.

Links that redirect to the right pages, emails that get delivered at the right time, hassle-free payments, and all the support they need to actually finish the course and achieve the transformation they signed up for….

And if the thought of setting up all this tech by yourself is making you sweat, why not leave it to someone who knows what they’re doing, and is obsessed with doing it to perfection?

Have we met?

I’m Anh!

Your go-to tech specialist for course creators with a big vision.

But before we get into that let’s backtrack for a sec.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved traveling (Pinky promise, I have a point!)…

It was actually during one of my trips that I met my first client- a digital nomad entrepreneur.

He taught me #allthethings about running an online business and honestly this experience opened up my eyes to what was possible.

But a couple months, and hundreds of automations later I was let go.

Why? Because my client saw that I’ve already automated most of my workload aka created a system that didn’t need any manual hand-holding from me.

Now you might think that I would have cried over this BUT it was actually the best thing that could have happened to me.

Have we met?

I’m Anh!

Your go-to tech specialist for course creators with a big vision.

But before we get into that let’s backtrack for a sec.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved traveling (Pinky promise, I have a point!)…

It was actually during one of my trips that I met my first client- a digital nomad entrepreneur.

He taught me #allthethings about running an online business and honestly this experience opened up my eyes to what was possible.

But a couple months, and hundreds of automations later I was let go.

Why? Because my client saw that I’ve already automated most of my workload aka created a system that didn’t need any manual hand-holding from me.

Now you might think that I would have cried over this BUT it was actually the best thing that could have happened to me.

Because I could *finally* see the big picture now: That I’m pretty good at this automations thing and it was actually making a positive difference in my client’s business.

If you’re here and still reading, it can only mean one thing. You’ve got a course in the works or ready to launch, and you’re looking for someone to take over your tech troubles…

Picture this...

It’s a week before your program launches.

Instead of focusing on putting fiery tech issues out (that you probably Googled), you finally have the time to show up where your audience is.

And the cherry on top?

All the Zaps are connected.
All the emails are automated.
All the workflows & processes are firing like a well-oiled machine.

This could be your reality


I give you the support you need to make sure that your backend is set up properly, tested for future fixes, and ready to get rock n’roll…

All you gotta do is focus on your zone of genius- creating courses that make waves in this community.

How about a little trivia on me?

Once upon a time, I was a competitive swimmer. Now I’m slightly allergic to water. (Yes, it’s a real thing)

I work in bursts and often get a superwoman amount of work done when I do, crazy right? But then I need lots of cuddles and books to recharge.

My ultimate dream in this lifetime (not sure if there’s a next one) is to bring free education to everyone on this planet! We all deserve knowledge!

I do standup comedy on the side. Get a laugh HERE.

How about a little trivia on me?

Once upon a time, I was a competitive swimmer. Now I’m slightly allergic to water. (Yes, it’s a real thing)

I work in bursts (probs from the caffeine!) and often get a superwoman amount of work done when I do, crazy right? But then I need some Netflix and chill to recharge.

I like to pamper myself by listening to ballad songs. Nothing de-stresses you like a good cry!

I do standup comedy on the side. Get a laugh HERE.