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An Investigation 🔎

Million dollar question for all tech emergencies: What’s not working, really?

You tested a checkout page with a 100% coupon. You got through the thank you page, everything looks good. But you don’t receive the onboarding email.

AKA – somewhere between the checkout platform and the platform that sends you the email, something’s not right.

Below is a step by step to-peek-at list. You can stop and re-test every time you fix a thing (which saves you time of going through everything), but I recommend you go through the whole list, fix everything at once, and re-test at the end – because there is a chance (based on your level of experience) that you have made a mistake at every step and it would take you fur-ever 🐈‍⬛ to fix and re-test x20.


1.  The integration between two said platforms: Are they connected?
Even if you’ve set up this connection before, always make sure the correct accounts/API/other identifiers are still there. I don’t know why they disconnect sometimes, but they do.

2. The configurations: What is the checkout platform supposed to do with/to the email sending platform?
If it’s giving a tag, adding the contact to a list, trigger an automation etc. -> Double check if they’re the right tags, lists, automations. Most importantly, make sure it’s ACTIVATED (hit that Save button and refresh to see if it did indeed save!)


3. Check your end: Is the email is published? If it’s in an automation, make sure this automation on its own works by testing the trigger of said automation?

4. Then check your start. Things did look good on the user’s side, that’s great. But let’s check the back end when you made the test purchase.

Did it actually come through? Can you find the record of that “event”? The tab/place you usually find these under is called “Transactions”, or “Sales”.

If it’s not there, try the purchase test again and record a Loom of your process of testing and checking the backend. Quick check the second test, if it somehow works this time, who knows what the tech gremlin was up to earlier… If it doesn’t work – time to channel your inner Karen to get a hold of their customer support (live chat/submit a ticket/email) and send over that Loom!


If you’re a seasoned systems builder, or confident enough in your setup, instead of going through all the things (the links and tails), ask this REAL million dollar question: What scenarios in this business could be affected or affect this flow/build/automation/system? In plain English please.

Then you can go scenario by scenario and add/simplify/correct the system to accommodate all of these “exceptions” if they are likely to happen.


If someone makes a purchase, but they actually made this purchase before in the past, what should happen? Do they still get the onboarding email? If they get a refund, what tag should be given to them in the CRM? On our next launch, do we exclude this person so they can’t find and make this same purchase?


Doesn’t this sound like a never ending quest to come up with ALL the scenario which each produces million of MILLION DOLLAR questions? It can be – but that makes for an airtight system that will make sure your business run like clockwork whether you’re there or not.

This could be a full time job – OUR beloved full time job 🙂 And you can delegate all this thinking, testing, fixing and channeling the inner Karen to tech customer support to us!

What’s better than a tech VA? A team of them 😆

P.S: If the platform can’t help you fix the thing, it could be because they suck! jk, they sometimes do, but if you’re scaling fast, most SAAS on the market are not built well for processing large volume of complex processes. You can start searching around for a “better” (less glitchy) tech to immigrate over!

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